Police shoots out car tyre during a car chase

The driver is arrested following a police pursuit.

SIBU, Sept 18: Police shot out a tyre of a 4WD vehicle they were chasing after the 43-year-old driver suddenly braked and attempted to ram at the patrol car in a bid to escape on Monday (Sept 15).

The man, who hails from Bintangor, was caught speeding at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman and running the red light as he was approaching Sibu Hospital by police patrol unit at about 12.50pm.

Sibu police chief ACP Stanley Jonathan Ringgit informed that during the pursuit, police had turned on their vehicle beacon light and siren to alert the suspect to stop.

The 4WD vehicle driven by the suspect has been detained.

“At Jalan Kemuyang junction, the suspect suddenly braked the vehicle and reversed towards our patrol car. Our policeman, who managed to avoid getting rammed, also fired one shot at the left tyre of the vehicle,” he explained in a statement.

However, that did not stop the suspect as he continued to accelerate towards Jalan Sibu-Bintulu.

He finally stopped at Mile 12, got out from his vehicle, cursed at the police and showed them a sexually explicit sign.

The driver then reentered his vehicle and sped off until he reached near the Army camp before he was ambushed by two other police patrol cars.

Police arrested the driver but they did not find any illegal items during a body check and vehicle inspection.

However, the suspect’s urine was tested positive for methamphetamine.— DayakDaily
