Police set to uncover more of sexual predator Alladin’s dark secrets

Datuk Aidi Ismail

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, Sept 22: More of convicted pedophile Alladin Lanim’s dark secrets are about to come to light.

As soon as the Bukit Aman Forensic Department manages to uncover the contents of Alladin’s mobile phone that is suspected to contain recordings of his ‘conquests’, more victims can be identified.


Sarawak Police Commissioner Datuk Aidi Ismail said yesterday (Sept 21) his team and the forensic department are currently rushing to complete the reports, which are expected to be compiled and submitted to the prosecution next month.

Once they have more information of additional victims, they will refer them to the Deputy Public Prosecutor for further action.

“So far, a total of five children have come forward with their parents to lodge police reports to assist in the investigation.

“We are trying to get more information and identify other victims if we can access the content in the suspect’s phone,” said Aidi Ismail in a press conference at the Serian District police headquarters (IPD).

Alladin, 41, who worked as a conductor in one of Lundu’s oil palm plantations in Biawak, could not have gone far for his ‘hunts’. It was no surprise when the police discovered most of the victims to be living in the same neighbourhood as the perpetrator.

Alladin being escorted by police officers at the courthouse.

Arrested on July 5 on child pornography charges, Alladin is now serving his imprisonment term of 48 years and 6 months, and 15 strokes of the cane, for 18 charges after being convicted on Aug 17.

But the police investigation surrounding his crimes will not end here.

Since 2007, Alladin had been using a pseudonym on the dark web by posting about his ‘exploits’ and boasting on message forums about recording his crimes involving children as young as two-years-old.

He was linked to over 1,000 images and videos depicting sexual abuse regarding minors.

His crimes came to light when it was discovered in September that he was one of the international police’s most wanted criminals since 2019 when his online alias was listed as one of the top 10 offenders globally in sexually abusing children.

The Australian investigators had, at one time, identified 34 or more victims from his dark web collection.

Additional charges will be proposed to the Deputy Public Prosecutor soon, with more charges lying in wait for him. — DayakDaily
