Police find cannabis concealed in vacuum cleaner, repeat offender arrested

Stanley showing the drugs and the vacuum cleaner in which the suspect had concealed the drugs.

By Wendy john

SIBU, Jan 8: A widower has been arrested on suspicion of possessing 508.68 grammes of cannabis yesterday.

A police team led by Tengku Mohd Faisal conducted a raid on a house in Sungai Merah around 1.30pm on Tuesday.


A 37-year-old suspect was subsequently detained

Sibu district police chief, ACP Stanley Jonathan Ringgit said that following an inspection inside the house, the police found thick pieces of dried leaves suspected to be cannabis.

“The drugs were concealed inside a vacuum bag placed next to the living room door,” he said at a press conference here this morning.

He said the suspect was later arrested and is being investigated under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act (ADB) 1952.

“The initial urine test results on the suspect showed that it was positive for methamphetamine which also led to his detention under section 15 (1) (a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952,” Stanley added.

He said the suspect had several previous records: once under Section 39a (1), five times under Section 12 (2), four times under Section 15 (1) (a) of ADB 1952, and once under Section 457.

“The suspect, had been remanded for six days to assist in further investigation,” he revealed. ā€” DayakDaily
