KUCHING, Nov 10: Pepper growers in Julau received RM2.4 million worth of aid from Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB) in 2022.
According to MPB in a statement today, the aid is to help the farmers to maintain and improve their cultivation process.
“The aid is in the form of agricultural tools such as spiral separators, grinders and drying platforms, which are among the important requirements for to produce and maintain pepper quality,” it said.
Meanwhile, a total of 150 residents from 14 longhouses in Julau received assistance under New Pepper Planting Scheme (STLB), Mature Pepper Planting Scheme (STLM), Premium Pepper Production Development Project (PPLP) and Farm Level Pepper Quality Improvement Assistance schemes.
MPB said the assistance was handed over to the participants comprising pepper plant growers, pepper entrepreneurs and residents from nearby villages, during the Premium Pepper Production Programme at Rh Suntik, Nanga Kakup in Entabai, Pakan on Nov 9.
It said the programme is one of the programmes under the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) which focuses on encouraging growers to produce value-added pepper such as Cream White Pepper (LPK) and Export Quality Pepper (LBE).
It added Julau is a potential location for this project in addition to Betong and Sarikei. — DayakDaily