PBDS: Why is RUU355 amendment bill being drafted again?

Bobby William

By Brad Rantayy

MIRI, Sept 7: Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) president Bobby William expressed shocked over a report made by Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs, Ahmad Marzuk Shaary on Monday, stating that four new shariah laws are being drafted, which includes a bill on control and restrictions on the development of Non-Muslim religions.

“Why is the amendment bill RUU355 being drafted in motion again? Why it has to include a bill on control and restrictions on the development of Non-Muslim religions in Malaysia?” Bobby questioned.


“We, as Sarawakians have been and always will be a democratic multi-racial state with multi-religious communities and Sarawakians will not agree to any implementation of hudud related enforcement of law, in the name of democracy for equality of each tribal communities and freedom of religion in Sarawak,” he pointed out.

Bobby said that PBDS supports the statement by Sarawak For Sarawakians (S4S) civil movement leader, Peter John Jaban, with regards to the hudud law that if indeed the hudud law agenda is being put into motion again, Sarawak Members of Parliament must unite and stand up for Sarawak’s democratic rights, fitting of a multicultural state and cultural individualities.

“We believe that the initial formation of Sarawak and Sabah with the federation of Malaya to form Malaysia, did not include a religious binding governance which integrates an Islamic hudud law with the civic law of democracy. Sarawak and Sabah has always been democratic and equal in our way of life, that’s how we honour and respect each other’s culture and tradition,” he said. — DayakDaily
