PBDSB reiterates non-involvement with any political alliance


KUCHING, Jan 10: Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru (PBDSB) is adamant on their non-involvement with any political alliance regardless whether Bariasan Nasional (BN), Pakatan Harapan (PH) or Gabungan Rakyat Saksama (SAKSAMA).

PBDSB Youth Chief Rapelson Richard Hamit denied the recent allegation made by political analyst Dr Jeniri Amir that the party is part of SAKSAMA.

“PBDSB chooses not to join any political coalition to avoid a similar fate as what happened to Sarawak National Party (SNAP) and Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS).


“We have never formed a party, but we revived our old party, and named it PBDSB,” Rapelson said.

The party’s protem president Louis Jarau explained that PBDSB was not removed as a BN component party before it was dissolved by the Registrar of Societies (ROS) in 2004. He said the party’s direction would be determined during its triennial conference and in 2016, it declared its stand as a local opposition party.

“However, the statement has become BN’s political propaganda as well as PH to ruin the reputation of this Dayak-based party. If PH is serious about cooperation, they should not bring the Malaya Agenda. Instead, they should acknowledge the existence of local parties in the state.

“The Dayaks and the people of Sarawak has been controlled by UMNO-PBB proxy policies for 55 years. Sarawak’s wealth has been literally given away by Malaya,” Rapelson lamented.

He added that what remains for the Dayak, such as their Native Customary Rights (NCR) land and the rights of indigenous people will be wiped out if Sarawak’s land policy is not refined.

Therefore, the existence of PBDSB is not only to fight for the fate of the Dayaks, but to defend Sarawak’s rights under Malaysia Agreement 1963 which has been eroded.

He added that there are many out there who believe that the revived PBDSB is the true political platform for the Dayak people and for the community to determine their political destiny without depending on other political forces pioneered by other ethnic communities. — DayakDaily
