PBDSB hopes commitment to amend Syariah ordinance not merely lip service

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KUCHING, March 4: Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru (PBDSB) said it was astonished at the statement and commitment made by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Openg about amending Sarawak Syariah laws on apostasy.

“If it is genuine and sincere that Abang Johari has made such a commitment which promises the amendment to be made, we at PBDSB would fully support his commitment to do so,” the party said in a statement.

On the other hand, PBDSB questioned the six months duration to commit to such a pledge.


“Why does it require six months to fulfil and resolve? PBDSB would like to remind Abang Johari that by making such a promise to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kuching Reverend Simon Poh, is like a promise to God. For it is in Christian belief, that every priest is anointed by God through calling.”

PBDSB also urged Abang Johari to do his utmost best to settle the matter within the shortest period possible due to the recent death threats made towards Poh as well as state PKR leader Baru Bian due to this apostasy issue.

“We are worried about such (threats) and do not encourage it to drag further, as how the issue of native customary rights (NCR) has been prolonged from the date which was supposedly promised.

“PBDSB duly hopes that the promise on amending the laws concerning apostasy which was made by Abang Johari, shall not end up like the NCR promise which was made previously, and now all NCR owners has lost their land cases due to the prolonged solution.

“The importance of a secular democratic nation needs to be adhered to, especially when Sarawak is a nation with religious freedom spelled out in MA63 (Malaysia Agreement 1963). Those from Malaya need to fully understand the secular sentiments of administration from Sarawak.

“This is why it is important that Malaysia must always remain secular in its administration. Sarawak is a multiracial secular democratic state and not an Islamic State,” the party said.

PBDSB expressed hope that this time, with the witness of God, promises made shall be fulfilled in the end. — DayakDaily
