PBB Women and Youth to use digital technology to attract youth into education

Abang Johari (second from left) speaks to Amazon's artificial intelligence personal assistant Alexa through a device as an opening gimmick at the PBB Youth and Women's Wings general assembly at BCCK, Kuching while Deputy Chief ​Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas (left), outgoing PBB Women's Wing chief Tan Sri Empiang Jabu (centre), Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan (second from right) and Gerald (right) look on.

KUCHING, Feb 9: Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg advises Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Youth Wing to be at the forefront of Sarawak’s effort in revolutionising the use of technology and modern knowledge to contribute to the growth of the state’s economy.

He said young Sarawakians have the talents and are eager to learn new knowledge provided that they have access to the relevant education and are given the correct guidance.

Speaking during the opening of PBB’s Youth and Women’s Wings general assembly at the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) here today, Abang Johari also urged the Youth and Women’s Wings to embrace the digital economy and information technology to guide and lead the younger generations in the state towards better education.


He said with good education, the younger generations would be able to obtain knowledge and skills relevant to the state’s aspiration to become a leading digital economy state in the country.

“Young Sarawakians have the talents. That is why education is very important. Empowerment of and embracing of modern technology is very much important in today’s world. Without it, it would not be easy for Sarawak to be able to achieve a developed state (status) by 2030,” he told some 500 delegates from the party’s Youth and Women’s Wings.

He also advised the Wings that good leadership should be inclusive, with the wellbeing of all Sarawakians in mind regardless of racial and religious background.

Abang Johari (centre) witnesses the opening gimmick of the PBB Youth and Women’s Wings general assembly at BCCK, Kuching, while Fadillah (left) looks on.

Meanwhile, outgoing PBB Youth chief Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof gave assurance that the Youth Wing would continue to support Abang Johari’s aspirations in order to achieve Sarawak’s aspirations to be a developed state by 2030.

“Development and progress can only be made possible and smooth when everything is in order. When development and progress is smooth, we can experience better economic growth and eventually more job opportunities.

“That is surely what PBB — with the leadership of Abang Johari who is forward-thinking — can do. This is to ensure Sarawak will continue to move forward,” he said.

Newly-minted PBB Youth chief Gerald Rentap Jabu gave his assurance that under his leadership, the Youth Wing will continue to be at the forefront of the party to ensure the victory of the party as the state Barisan Nasional’s backbone in the coming general election.

He also gave assurance of the Youth Wing’s support towards Abang Johari especially in his initiatives to revisit the Malaysian Agreement 1963 and restore the rights of Sarawak, as well as to enhance education through digital technology.

“We will also continue the PBB Youth Armada programme to reach out to the grassroots,” Gerald added. — DayakDaily
