Parents eager to get kids vaccinated against Covid-19

Teenagers aged 16 and 17 awaiting their turn for vaccination at the Sibu Civic Centre recently.

SIBU, Sept 20: Home-based food seller, Novi Chieng is eager to have her three adolescent children vaccinated against Covid-19 as soon as possible.

With the soaring number of new daily coronavirus cases and 16 and 17-year-olds having received their first dose of the vaccine, she is anxious to have her three children comprising two boys and a girl aged between 12 to 1, jabbed.

“Like any other parent, I do want my children to be protected against the coronavirus. So the sooner they receive the vaccine the better and this will not worry us anymore,” she said.


Retiree Wong Ung Ho, has registered her 15-year-old daughter for the vaccine through the MySejahtera app.

“I have registered her to receive the vaccine after I heard that those aged 16 and 17 have been inoculated. So I hope my daughter will receive hers as she is close to 16-years-old,” he said.

Louis Jaraw is also another parent looking forward to getting his two boys, 9 and 11, vaccinated.

“If possible, I would like them to be accepted in the vaccination programme,” he said.

Meanwhile Sibu Municipal Council chairman Clarence Ting advised parents to be patient over the matter.

“I have been getting calls (from parents) asking when their children not yet aged 16 will be vaccinated. They heard some children between 12 and 15-years-old have been vaccinated,” he said.

Ting explained that a total of 3,981 teens aged between 12 to 15 had been vaccinated earlier because they had comorbidities.

“If your child does not have any health issues, please wait. Meanwhile keep them protected with strict SOP (standard operating procedure),” he advised. — DayakDaily
