Oops! 9 pillars blunders unintentional, technical glitches — PBB leader

The correct version of GPS’ point-form version statement: the Nine Pillars of GPS.

KUCHING, Jan 22: Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) information chief Datuk Idris Buang said the various typos and translation errors on the Nine Pillars of Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) were technical glitches and were unintentional.

Idris, who is also a member of the GPS publicity committee, issued a statement today to produce a corrected version.

“The version displayed on the screen on the night of the launching containing various typos and translation errors etc and which is being viralled was due to some technical glitches, which were unintentional.”


He admitted the mistakes and re-produced a corrected copy even though he had no part in preparing the publication and screening of the point-form vision statement.

“Even though I had no part in the preparation of the said publication and screening of ‘The Nine Pillars’ on the night in question (Jan 19, 2019), as the information chief of PBB Sarawak and also being a member of the GPS publicity committee for the launching, I feel equally responsible to put right what was wrong for the sake of the truth and clarity.

“I, therefore, humbly urge the reading public to ignore the incorrect version being viralled and, instead, take the one herein reproduced as the legally correct version, ‘once and for all’,” said Idris.

A picture of the GPS nine-pillar vision statement went viral due to three glaring spelling mistakes.

Point 4 reads ‘Buiding Prosperities & Greater Sarawak’. The word should have been ‘building’ and not ‘buiding’.

Point 5 reads ‘Political Intergrity & Patriotism’. The word should have been ‘integrity’ and not ‘intergrity’.

Point 6 reads ‘Straightening Sarawak Economy’. But based on the Bahasa Malaysia version, the word should be ‘Strengthening’ and not ‘Straightening’.

Apart from these spelling mistakes, further checks revealed grammatical errors.

For instance, Point 4 reads ‘Buiding Prosperities & Greater Sarawak’. If we were to countercheck with the Bahasa Malaysia version, the word ‘prosperous’ or ‘prosperity’ should have been used instead of the noun ‘prosperities’.

The correct phrase should be ‘Building Prosperous & Greater Sarawak’and not Buiding Prosperities & Greater Sarawak”.

Meanwhile, there are also comments that Point 8 should be ‘Inspire Future Generations’ or ‘Inspiring Future Generations’ instead of ‘Aspiring Future Generations’. — DayakDaily
