By Ling Hui
KUCHING, July 16: Oil and gas employees from abroad must undergo Covid-19 screening before being allowed to return to their respective longhouses in Sarawak, said Sarawak Dayak National Union (SDNU) president Tan Sri William Mawan Ikom in a press statement today.
“Even though we (Malaysia) have been recognised as one of the best countries in the world in the fight against the Covid-19 outbreak, it is likely that it will get worse and that is why we must always be careful in any matter,” said Mawan when attending the Majlis Bersama Rakyat at Rumah James Jantan in Nanga Darau, Pakan, yesterday.
In response to the positive cases reported in Sarawak over the past few days, he spoke of the possibility of a second wave of Covid-19 outbreak in Sarawak, sharing the same concern with State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.
As such, he reminded everyone to always be responsible in complying with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) approved and implemented by the SDMC. —DayakDaily