No place for PPBM in Sarawak, says chief sponsor

Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia logo (picture sourced from

KUCHING, Sept 16: Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) Sarawak chief sponsor Shariff Busrah opined that Bersatu should forget about coming to Sarawak, because very few Sarawakian Bumiputera support the party.

He said a Bersatu Sarawak study found that nine out of 10 Sarawakian Bumiputera prefer local political parties to those from the peninsula.

“I think the Bersatu top leadership should withdraw their intention to come to Sarawak. This is because the party is not well received in Sarawak,” said Shariff in a statement yesterday.


“Sarawakians do not see how West Malaysian political parties can help them to solve problems and bring about change. West Malaysian parties are akin to ‘cockerel calling with backside smeared with excrement’.”

In addition, he observed that Bersatu’s position in Peninsular Malaysia seemed to be chaotic and membership was still relatively low.

He predicted that the party would encounter huge problems if it insisted on entering Sarawak.

“Bersatu should in fact take on a wiser way by being ‘friendly’ to local political parties to stay longer in power,” said Shariff, who described the Parti Warisan Sabah model in Sabah as a “suitable and harmonious” one. — DayakDaily
