Nicholas Bawin leaves PKR

Nicholas Bawin Anggat

KUCHING, May 20: PKR Lubok Antu chief Nicholas Bawin has resigned from the party, relinquishing all party posts effective immediately.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Lubok Antu confirmed in a statement that Nicholas resigned from his positions as the PKR Lubok Antu divisional chairman, member of Sarawak PKR leadership council (MKN) and state MKN vice-chairman.

According to PKR Lubok Antu permanant secretary Enggang Sandam in the statement, Nicholas left the party because the promises of autonomy within the party, along the lines of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) were unfulfilled and uninitiated.


“Secondly, (Nicholas left) in support of leaders and members who have been recently terminated without just cause and excuse,” he added.

Enggang pointed out that Nicholas’ resignation was no small matter and would have far-reaching implications amongst the grassroots in Lubok Antu, and also the Ibans of Sarawak.

“Hence PKR Lubok Antu branch will convene an emergency meeting to discuss our next course of action,” he disclosed.

Enggang also disclosed that this was not an easy announcement to make, as Nicholas was a founding member of the Lubok Antu branch, and had been the backbone and guiding light of the branch since its inception.

“Nicholas’ contribution to the Iban community cannot be lightly stated as he had served as the deputy president of Majlis Adat Istiadat for 13 years.

“Nicholas has wide working knowledge of native customary laws in Sarawak including Adat (customs) Iban, Adat Bidayuh, Adet Kayan-Kenyah, Adet Kelabit, Adet Lun Bawang, Adat Bisaya, Adet Kajang and Adat Melanau Liko,” he pointed out.

With this knowledge, Enggang added, Nicholas had testified as an expert witness in various significant court cases over the past 20 years.

“Nicholas had helped established the matrix that has led to recognition of NCR (native customary rights) throughout Sarawak.

“Moreover, his experience in state administration and Sarawak native affairs is well recognised and invaluable to our branch and the party,” he said.

Nicholas was former Lubok Antu District Council deputy chairman from 1988 to 1992, a member of the Board of Directors of Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation or Sesco (1987 – 1997) and Sarawak Dayak National Union (SDNU) president (2004-2007). — DayakDaily
