New Zealander wins Spartan race, praises Sarawak for challenging course

Callum Meehan from New Zealand was crowned the champion of the 5km Sprint (20 obstacles) category at today's Spartan Race Sarawak 2022 event.

By Nancy Nais

KUCHING, June 11: Spartan Race Sarawak 2022 champion under the 5km Sprint (20 obstacles) category Callum Meehan appeared none the worse for wear after successfully completing the challenging race, adding that Sarawak was a great place to hold such an event.

Sharing his experience, the New Zealander said taking part in the challenging race had allowed him to see what his body was capable of, while completing it was truly rewarding.


“It was awesome. What I was told, read about, and finally experiencing it for the first time, Sarawak is a good place for such activity.

“The course was both rough and smooth, very technical and challenging even from the beginning. However, I managed to pick myself up midway and thankfully I crossed the finishing line.

“As for the weather and humidity, I had no problems with it because I’ve been living in Kuala Lumpur since 2017.

“As a matter of fact, that was the time I started joining the Spartan Race and from there, I will race around South East Asia and Europe every year,” he said, adding that from his past experience, the biggest challenge to overcome was not the course itself but the mental hurdles.

He said Spartan Race Sarawak 2022 would be his sweetest memory because as this was the first time he won the first place and this was also his first time visiting Sarawak.

“I have stood on the podium several times at other Spartan and international races worldwide but never as the champion. So this time, it is totally different,” Callum told DayakDaily when met after the race today.

Spartan, which is the world’s largest course race and endurance brand made its return to Sarawak this year after the inaugural race was held in 2019.

This year’s race featured the two most popular categories: the 5km Sprint (20 obstacles) and 10km Super (25 obstacles).

The grueling course not only includes obstacles such as twister, monkey bars and rings, but also rough terrain as racers dash to the finish line in the shortest amount of time possible. — DayakDaily
