New RM500,000 Kg Seroban bridge to be ready in 3 months

John (inside the excavator) giving his thumbs-up after performing the earth breaking ceremony.

By Jacob Achoi

SERIAN, July 21: Kampung Seroban in Serian will have a new bridge to link the village in three months’ time.

Construction on the RM500,000 project 12 metres in length and five metres wide started on July 10 and is expected to be completed in October this year.


Apart from the bridge, the 311-metre long village road will also be tar-sealed. The village will also receive four concrete pipe units with a diametre of 450 mm and one with a diametre of 1,200 mm, under the Rural Transformation Programme (RTP).

Bukit Semuja assemblyman John Ilus at the earth-breaking ceremony for the bridge today said the bridge is funded by the federal government, and Serian District Council is the implementing agency.

“This project (bridge) is the result of my walkabout to Kampung Seroban in 2018, and the villagers have asked for the project, so this is the result of the request,” John said.

He thanked the villagers for their patience in waiting for these projects, saying that the projects have to be properly planned.

John called on the villagers and the people in the constituency in general not to listen to outsiders who may want to distract and instigate them.

“Our development programmes and planning has to be continued, so team work between grassroots and leaders is vital,” he pointed out.

He added that the state government has the responsibility and is committed to bringing development to the people. — DayakDaily
