Nanta clarifies GPS did not have negotiation with Bersatu on seats sharing for PRN12

A press statement issued by Nanta clarifying that no negotiation was held between GPS and Bersatu on share seats for PRN12.

KUCHING, Oct 24: Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) secretary-general Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi has clarified that there was no negotiation going on between GPS and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) on the sharing of seats for the upcoming 12th Sarawak Election (PRN12).

Nanta in a press statement today stated that no negotiation was ever held, and not going to be held, while GPS is going to contest all the 82 seats in Sarawak DUN during PRN12.

“I would like to correct the wrong message carried in some news media that reported I confirmed that there is negotiation going on between GPS and Bersatu on the sharing of seats in the coming Sarawak State Election.


“What actually transpired during that press conference on Thursday (Oct 21) in Kuching was that I was asked about the seat held by Bersatu in Sarawak, which is only one seat (Krian YB Datuk Ali Biju), I only commented, ‘bincang’.

“That was all. I did not refer nor mean other seats. I am fully aware that GPS is not giving away any seats to any other party,” he said.

Nanta said he was disappointed with any media that “put words into his mouth” and unnecessarily sensationalised the issues.

With the clarification, he hoped that there is no more discussion and arguments about the issue. — DayakDaily
