MPKS chairman applauds ART as best urban transport solution

Dato Peter Minos

KUCHING, Nov 25: Kota Samarahan Municipal Council (MPKS) chairman Dato Peter Minos has lauded the Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART) as the premier urban transport system

In a statement today, Minos also expressed his gratitude to the Sarawak government for implementing the ART project in Samarahan.

“Hats off to the government for its pioneering spirit in implementing the ART and for having the right attitude towards urban transport system and its betterment,” he said.


Minos said during a proof-of-concept (POC) run today, he received a lot of inquiries from members of the public who were elated that the ART project has been implemented in the district.

Minos highlighted the environmental benefits of the ART system, emphasising that since it is fueled by hydrogen, it serves a dual purpose of emitting zero carbon dioxide and contributing to the reduction of global warming.

“As I sat in the ART today, my thoughts are on how wonderful Samarahan will be in the future; the roundabouts now having smart traffic lights such that driving from Jalan Stutong to Intan roundabout takes only 11 minutes when it used to be one hour or even more during the daily massive traffic jams.

“In two years’ time, we can take the alternative by using the ART, which is comfortable and effortless,” he added. — DayakDaily
