MP pledges support for Orang Ulu National Association

Willie (third from left) and Mohd Irwan (second from left) perform the symbolic `ngiling bidaiā€™ Gawai at Uma Orang Ulu Hall in Satok, Kuching this morning.

KUCHING, June 30: Puncak Borneo MP Willie Mongin has advised the Orang Ulu National Association (OUNA) to forward issues they might be facing to his service centre in Puncak Borneo.

Saying that the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government was committed to assisting all communities without prejudice, he also suggested that Orang Ulu community leaders compile data of all those who needed help, including school leavers and graduates who are unemployed, poor single mothers, and the disabled (OKU), and send it to him so that he could bring it to the attention of the relevant authorities.

ā€œPHā€™s policy is more inclusive and comprehensive to ensure that all development is delivered equally among the different communities in Malaysia. We (PH) do not want to sideline any community.


ā€œIf there are any issues such as someone needing help, please direct to me them through your association or your community leaders or your religious associations,ā€ he said at OUNAā€™s ‘Ngiling Bidai Gawai cum Rindok Ati Aidilfitri’ open house at Uma Orang Ulu Hall in Satok here this morning.

Willie (fourth from left) and Mohd Irwan (third from left) and others cutting the `pulut kuningā€™ to get the OUNA’s Hari Raya open house going.

On another matter, Willie advised OUNA to venture into some commercial activities for the association to develop further. He said he was prepared to assist OUNA in whatever ways he could.

Earlier, OUNA chairman Mohd Irwan Shah Thomas Abdullah requested for an allocation from Willie, now that PH MPs have minor rural project (MRP) funds. However, Willie replied he did not have the money yet as all MPs had yet to be sworn in.

The swearing-in will take place before the next Parliament sitting, sometime in the middle of next month. ā€” DayakDaily
