MP advises village chiefs not to be scared to attend PH functions

Jugah (in grey outfit) posing with village heads from Engkilili. On his right Tuai Rumah Diup.

LUBOK ANTU, Feb 24: Longhouse chieftains (tuai rumah) here have been told not to feel fearful about attending the functions of elected representatives from Pakatan Harapan (PH).

Lubok Antu MP Jugah Muyang, who gave this advice, said as community leaders, they served as the bridge between the people and the elected representatives, and urged them to continue supporting the federal government so that development projects would be implemented unhindered.

“A wind of change can be felt in Lubok Antu as evidenced by the many people who gathered here today,” he said at Program Mesra Rakyat at Rumah Diup in Mario, Engkilili, yesterday.

Tuai Rumah Diup (left) hands over the PKR party membership application forms to Jugah.

Jugah said he was aware that the people here looked to the federal government for assistance as many of the problems they faced were never solved.

“We can see for ourselves that basic infrastructure like village roads and lights and also 75 per cent of the ‘tuai rumah’ allowance are paid for by the federal government,” he said.

At the gathering, Jugah announced grants totalling RM180,000 for 11 longhouses in the area.

Eleven village heads and some 250 villagers attended the gathering, where 150 people handed in their application forms to join Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR). — DayakDaily
