More community leaders applying for MPKKP, awaiting approval

Roland Engan (front, seated third right) during a recent press conference.

MIRI, Dec 3 :  Acceptance of the Federal Village Community Management Council (MPKKP) is slowly gaining ground, especially in Baram.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Baram Chairman Roland Engan said 75 per cent of the local community leaders had submitted their applications to Putrajaya for approval.

He said that a total of 178 from three areas namely Marudi (70); Mulu (67) and Telang Usan (41) had submitted their names and were being processed.


“A lot of kampung people are beginning to understand MPKKP,” he said, explaining that there were no longer any issues regarding the role of MPKKP.

“People have start to understand MPKKP, it is not what they had been told before,” said Roland during a press conference held on Monday (Dec 2).

Also present was PKR Baram vice chairman Elias Lipi Mat. — DayakDaily
