Ministry to launch trial run for iSarawak Care app this month

Fatimah (centre) speaking to EFS and BIB recipients Roslinda Salina Robert Bentai (left) and Norfaizah Hasbolhi.

By Nancy Nais

KUCHING, June 5: The Ministry of Welfare, Community Wellbeing, Women, Family and Childhood Development will conduct an iSarawak Care application trial run to facilitate application and payment process for Sarawak Endowment Fund (EFS) and Bantuan Ibu Bersalin (BIB).

Its minister Datuk Seri Fatimah Abdullah revealed that the trial run would be conducted at the end of this month, together with National Registration Department (NRD) and Bank Islam.


The Sarawak government has received 8,828 registration for the Sarawak Endowment Fund (EFS) this year.

The figure is out of the total number of 10,231 babies born from Jan 1 to May 31 this year where 9,630 babies were Sarawakian status with ‘K’.

From the 8,828 applicants, 8,390 or 95 per cent of the babies have received the RM1,000 EFS.

Fatimah said although parents have 12 months to register their newborns for EFS, she encouraged them to do so as soon as possible.

“Every newborn child with Sarawakian status will be given RM1,000. The money will be managed by Bank Islam and withdrawal can only be done once the child reaches 18 years of age. This is meant for the child’s future studies, or even as a start-up fund if they wish to venture into business.”

Parents have to apply for this EFS. Upon registering the baby’s birth, they can apply for EFS and National Registration Department (NRD) will submit the applications to Bank Islam for verification. Thereafter, the documents will be forwarded to the ministry.

Stressing that every Sarawakian baby is eligible for EFS, Fatimah added that in the event of death of the child, the parents could withdraw the amount.

She added that EFS forms were available at all 52 NRD offices throughout Sarawak and submission must be made to them.

Meanwhile, another initiative by the Sarawak government Bantuan Ibu Bersalin (BIB) or post natal care assistance for mothers saw 6,012 applicants from January 1 to May 31 this year.

A total of 5,221 mothers have given birth, 304 waiting to give birth and the remaining 487 were either duplicate applicants or mothers who gave birth before 2020.

“Out of a total of 5,221 eligible applicants, the Ministry has made payments to 2,650 applicants (51 per cent) and the rest are still in the process of payment at the ministry level.

“The aid, amounting RM450, is meant to ease their burden, especially those who have no income during their confinement period. At the same time, they can use the money to purchase medicine, supplements and other food during confinement period,” Fatimah said.

All mothers who are 22-weeks pregnant can apply for post natal care assistance. The deadline to apply for this incentive is three months after giving birth.

Those who wish to apply can do so online at or fill up manual forms which can be obtained from the Sarawak State Social Welfare Office (JKMNS), Resident Offices, District Offices and Sub-District Offices throughout the state.—DayakDaily
