Mile 8 flyover among locations in redline alignment prioritised by Sarawak govt, says Works Minister

Abang Johari (fourth right) flanked by Uggah (third right) and Nanta during a group photo at Wisma Bapa Malaysia on June 11, 2024. Photo credit: Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas)

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, June 11: The Mile 8 flyover is one of the areas in the redline alignment in Sarawak that the State government has prioritised for upgrading to address traffic congestion, says Malaysian Minister of Works, Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi.

According to a report by TVS, the Ministry of Public Works (MOW) has identified a design that meets the standard to solve the maintenance issue of areas involved in the redline alignment in Sarawak.


Nanta revealed that there are several redline locations not involved in the construction of Sarawak’s Pan Borneo Highway which have been identified for local infrastructure improvements.

“From MOW’s presentation to the Premier of Sarawak (Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg) and the Deputy Premier of Sarawak, Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, we have identified several places involved in the ‘redline’.

“Originally, this area is already in a state of disrepair. After a long time Pan Borneo was completed, and these roads definitely need to be improved,” Nanta was reported as saying after paying a courtesy call on Abang Johari at Wisma Bapa Malaysia here today.

According to Nanta, his ministry’s discussions with the Sarawak government and the Sarawak Public Works Department (JKR Sarawak) had previously determined the areas prioritised by the State government.

“The Sarawak government’s priorities include the proposed flyover at Mile 8, Kuching which is congested every day as well as in the Saratok area. Therefore, financial (resources) are needed to complete the roads involved,” he added.

On June 1, Nanta announced that nearly RM1 billion is required for the upgrading of the 140km redline alignment, encompassing various sections along the Pan Borneo Highway.

The redline alignment refers to the existing original routes built prior to the construction of the Pan Borneo Highway. — DayakDaily
