MCMC to investigate allegations The Malaysian Insight insulted Najib

United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) logo.

KUCHING, Dec 9: The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is investigating if news portal The Malaysian Insight breached any laws in its reports that allegedly insulted Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, The Malaysian Insight reported today.

However, the minister in charge of MCMC Salleh Said Keruak did not specify the laws under which the website would be investigated.

“I also heard the Penang Umno delegate’s speech (about The Malaysian Insight),” the communications and multimedia minister told reporters on the sidelines of the UMNO general assembly.


He confirmed that MCMC had received a report, adding that if the website had breached any laws, the report would be sent to the relevant authorities for further action.

The minister was responding to calls made by Umno delegates at the assembly to investigate the news portal, including Penang Umno delegate Mohd Nashrol Hisham Abdullah in his speech at the assembly earlier today and Johor delegate Haliza Abdullah in her speech yesterday.

Nashrol told Umno members that such attacks must not be allowed to continue, but did not indicate the articles said to insult the prime minister or party leadership.

Furthermore, no complaints have ever been made to The Malaysian Insight on such allegations.

Nasrol also said The Malaysian Insight was owned by Faridah Begum.

Faridah is the sister of The Malaysian Insight editor/managing director Jahabar Sadiq and the wife of Attorney-General Mohamed Apandi Ali.
