Legislative reforms needed to stop “political frogs” from party hopping

Parti Keadilan Rakyat logo.

KUCHING, March 14: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sarawak calls for an urgent legislative reforms to prohibit “political frogs” from defecting and switching allegiances mid-term.

PKR Sarawak leadership council in a press statement today, said legislators switching allegiances and crossing over to other camps like a game of musical chairs is morally wrong and unethical.

“As such, Keadilan Sarawak calls for urgent legislative reforms that prohibit a legislator who defects and switched allegiances mid-term from contesting for the next ten years and that legislator should immediately be disqualified from continuing his or her current term as a legislator,” it said.


Keadilan Sarawak noted weak and corrupt politicians must stop using the Covid-19 pandemic crisis and their constituents as a smoke screen to prop up a corrupt, ineffective back door government that has grossly neglected its duties and is perpetrating a culture of rent seeking and pork barrel politics.

“We also demand an urgent institutional reform that reorganises parliamentary funding and allocation so all Members of Parliament receive equal and fair allocations to run their constituencies,” it added.

On the same note, Keadilan Sarawak said they are extremely disappointed that the then Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad intentionally failed miserably to implement any significant constitutional and legislative reforms during Pakatan Harapan (PH)’s 22 months in power.

It pointed out that the failure is of epic proportions and has allowed this dismal state of party hopping to be perpetuated and lead to government instability.

“Instead of focusing on solving and managing the serious health and social-economic issues affecting the “rakyat” as a result of Covid-19, politicians have been engaging in unscrupulous horse trading in  pursuit of personal power and wealth. No where has this been felt more acutely than in Sarawak,” it said.

Keadilan Sarawak also reminded all of its Keadilan and PH’s MPs to continue to hold firmly to their principles and reject all attempts by dirty ruthless individuals to buy and sell MPs like cattle. — DayakDaily
