Kota Sentosa rep urges Stampin MP to utilise Federal allocation for infrastructure improvements

Wilfred Yap Yau Sin

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, March 14: Kota Sentosa assemblyman Wilfred Yap has called upon Stampin MP, Chong Chieng Jen, to effectively utilise the allocation received from the Federal government for infrastructure improvements in the constituency.

Yap emphasised the pressing need to address various infrastructure challenges within the constituency, including drainage systems, schools, recreational parks, and the wet market.


“All the infrastructure and buildings under my constituency for example, need upgrading and improvement,” he told reporters when met at the Kota Sentosa Ramadan Bazaar yesterday.

He urged MPs and assembly members to proactively engage with relevant federal ministers to secure additional funding if the allocated amount proves insufficient to address the constituency’s needs adequately.

Yap emphasised the importance of fully utilizing allocated funds for the welfare and development of the people.

He stressed that any additional allocation should be utilized efficiently and transparently to maximize benefits for the community.

Yap said, as Kota Sentosa assemblyman, he has given RM5 million for Rural Transformation Projects (RTP) allocation for his constituency.

However, he said that it should not be use for Mile 7 area only.

“In Kota Sentosa, my RTP allocation is used for schools, drain repair works, upgrading of community hall and many others that the benefit encompasses everybody.

“I will try to channel the fund so that everybody can share it. This is in line with Gabungan Parti Sarawak’s (GPS) concept of inclusivity, where no community will be left behind,” he said. — DayakDaily
