KCTIEA pays farewell visit to China Consul General’s business consuls, express gratitude for their support

Yii (fourth left), Li (fifth right), Gao (fourth right), and Sim (first left) during the courtesy call at the Consulate General Of The People’s Republic Of China here on Tuesday.

KUCHING, May 19: Kuching China Trade Importers and Exporters Association (KCTIEA) chairman Datuk Yii Ming Tang, accompanied by several executive committee members, paid a courtesy call to business consul Li Wang Yung and deputy business consul Zhang Shuyi at the Consulate General Of The People’s Republic Of China here on Tuesday (May 17) to bid them farewell and present them with souvenirs as they prepare to leave their posts and return to China.

According to a KCTIEA statement, they expressed gratitude to Li and Zhang for their significant contributions to promoting friendly exchanges between Sarawak and China during their tenure in office, as well as their strong support for KCTIEA and the development of business in Sarawak.

Meanwhile, KCTIEA welcomed Gao Li, the new commercial consul, to his new position.


KCTIEA went on to say that they had a pleasant exchange with consul Gao.

In addition, they wish for the traditional friendship between KCTIEA, the Consulate General Of The People’s Republic Of China, and the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China to endure for all time.

“The economic and trade relationships between Sarawak and China are ever growing for our mutual benefits among our two countries,” KCTIEA said.

Also present was Sarawak Housing and Real Estate Developers’ Association (Sheda) Kuching branch chairman Datuk Sim Kiang Chiok. — DayakDaily
