Kapit, Belaga to have 5G Internet coverage before Gawai 2024

Wilson Ugak Kumbong

HULU RAJANG, Feb 18: Kapit and Belaga are expected to have 5G Internet access before Gawai this year, says Deputy Digital Minister-cum-Hulu Rajang MP Datuk Wilson Ugak Kumbong.

According to a report by the Sarawak Public Communication Unit (UKAS), Internet access will allow the community to enjoy the facility to develop the rural areas.

“For example, a rural clinic in Tunoh needs good Internet coverage, especially when it is a necessity today to obtain reports from rural areas,” he said while speaking at the Digital Ministry’s outreach programme at the Tunoh Health Clinic here recently.


He added that various recent fields also require high and smooth internet access, such as digitisation in agriculture.

Commenting on the relocation of Tunoh Scheme longhouse residents to a new area, he said he had discussed this matter with Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg, and a proposal report had been sent to the relevant authorities. — DayakDaily
