JKJAV: 64.7 per cent of Sarawak’s population completed vaccination

JKJAV statistic as of Sept 18, 2021

KUCHING, Sept 19: A total of 1,821,836 individuals in the State has completed two doses of Covid-19 vaccination.

According to the latest statistic from the Covid-19 Vaccine Supply Access Guarantee Special Committee (JKJAV), as of Sept 18, from the total number of fully vaccinated individuals, 89.2 per cent of them were adult, which translated to a total of 64.7 per cent of the State’s population.

At the same time, JKJAV said 1,948,531 individuals in the State have also received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, including adult and teenagers.


Out of that figure, 92.1 per cent of them were adult population, with 69.2 per cent coverage of the total population in the State.

The committee added, more than 40 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines have been administered throughout the country. – DayakDaily.
