It’s time to rediscover Sarawak

Dennis (sitting, centre) at the New Norm Travel and Responsible Tourism event in Mulu.

By Nancy Nais

MULU, Nov 12: As Sarawak is gradually moving into the endemic phase following the Covid-19 pandemic, it is time to rediscover the state’s culture, adventure, nature, food, and festivals.

Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) chairman Dennis Ngau said the state tourism stakeholders have begun preparing the best travel experience for guests, while at the same time giving priority to the safety of visitors by complying with all relevant standard operating procedures (SOPs).


“The Covid-19 pandemic has taught tourism players to be prepared for the unprecedented crisis. We cannot afford to be put under another lockdown and movement restrictions as this will cause a devastating effect on those who rely on tourism for their income. Therefore, being vigilant is a must.

“With the intense vaccination roll-out plan carried out since February this year, we see domestic tourism picking up more and more. However, our fight against Covid-19 is not over. I urge our communities especially the homestay operators and local guides to continue adhering to the SOPs to ensure everyone’s safety,” Dennis said at the New Norm Travel and Responsible Tourism event in Mulu yesterday.

Since Sarawak is blessed with beautiful landscapes, waterfalls, and natural wonders waiting to be explored, Dennis asserted that as guardians of the future, Sarawakians need to continue to protect and conserve its diverse ecosystem; and work hand in hand to encourage responsible tourism to ensure sustainability.

He assured that STB will continue to assist in promoting Sarawak’s iconic UNESCO World Heritage as a safe destination for visitors.

“We must start with ourselves and show good examples to those around us. As true stewards of our land, we can become advocates for responsible tourism to make a real difference. Something as simple as not littering or simply plucking any plant or flower can make a big difference.

“I also encourage to connect with the local communities and support their businesses. Know more about their stories and buy their souvenirs or enjoy their local cuisines. By doing so, we can help them generate income and provide job opportunities and in return, it will be one of the most fulfilling experiences for you in Sarawak,” he said, urging everyone to go above and beyond.

Meanwhile, the media familiarisation trip was a collaboration with MasWings, Mulu Marriott Resort, and STB.

Among those who attended were Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Sarawak permanent secretary Hii Chang Kii, STB chief executive officer Sharzede Datu Salleh Askor, MASwings chief operating officer Capt. Nasaruddin A. Bakar, and local communities within the Mulu National Park. — DayakDaily
