Inland Revenue Board refutes claims of politically motivated enforcement exercises

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KUALA LUMPUR: Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) refutes claims that enforcement exercises conducted by the board is with the intent to maim the source for finances of certain political parties.

In a statement, LHDNM said the case selection system for enforcement activities is solely based on criteria pertaining to failure to comply with taxation laws, just as practised by other countries.

“LHDNM do not maintain in its database information on race and religion, much less individual political inclinations as these do not contribute to its risk assessment. LHDNM also do not disclose details of individuals or companies that are audited and investigated as it is bound by the confidentiality provision,” the board said.


“LHDNM places great emphasis on carrying out its duties at the highest level of professionalism and integrity. LHDNM will continue to ensure that its enforcement agenda serves towards creating a fair environment for taxpayers who without fail carry out their responsibility in contributing to the nation’s building.” — Bernama
