Initiatives for utilities, Petros cylinders distribution enhancement to be tabled in upcoming DUN sitting

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By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, April 19: Initiatives aimed at enhancing water supply, electricity, Internet coverage, and the distribution of Petros gas cylinders will be presented at the upcoming Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) Sitting, scheduled to commence on May 6.

Deputy Minister of Utility Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Junaidi emphasised the concerted efforts of four agencies under the Ministry to ensure the effective implementation of utilities benefiting the people of Sarawak.


“At the upcoming DUN session, it will be the focus of the Ministry’s address, particularly in the closing speech to be delivered by Minister of Utility and Telecommunication Dato Sri Julaihi Narawi,” he said in a news report by TVS yesterday (April 18).

These remarks were made during Abdul Rahman’s Hari Raya Aidilfitri open house, attended by Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg and his wife, Puan Sri Datuk Amar Juma’ani Tun Tuanku Bujang, at his residence.

Regarding electricity coverage, Abdul Rahman mentioned Sarawak Energy’s comprehensive plans, spanning short, medium, and long terms, to achieve 100 per cent electricity coverage by 2050.

Concerning the goal of attaining 100 per cent clean water coverage by 2030, he acknowledged the challenges faced by the Ministry, particularly in providing water to rural areas.

To address this, he highlighted the implementation of the Sarawak Alternative Water Supply project initiated in 2017.

“Some areas that do not receive clean water supply through pipelines because they are too far away, so we have implemented a self-sufficient system.

“We source water from rivers, rainwater catchments, or gravity sources, processing it and supplying it to respective villages without having to wait for water from the main grid,” he explained. — DayakDaily
