Indonesian national sentenced to 8 months in jail for aiding electricity theft used for crypto mining

Court - file pic. // Photo: Pixabay

By Dorcas Ting

KUCHING, Dec 22:The Magistrate’s Court here has sentenced an Indonesian man to eight months in jail for willfully adjusting the installation of electric wiring that was used for cryptocurrency mining activities.

Diwan, 25, pleaded guilty to the charge framed under Section 33(3) of the Sarawak Electricity Ordinance.


Magistrate Zubaidah Sharkawi sentenced him to imprisonment term of eight months and ordered the accused to be referred to the Immigration Department for further action after he had served his jail sentence here.

Diwan was found guilty of willfully adjusting the installation of electric wiring which is the property of Sesco Berhad, that is likely to cause danger to human life or other property at a premise in Jalan Bako, at about 12.22pm on July 26 this year.

According to the brief facts of the case, a team of police officers and Sesco personnel had raided the said premises which was used for cryptocurrency mining activities.

According to Sesco, the mining activities had been in operation for around two and a half months and caused a loss of about RM110,500 to the company due to illegal electricity theft.

Prosecuting Officer Inspector Nur Syafiqa Nyaie Ilin prosecuted while the accused was unrepresented by counsel. — DayakDaily
