GPS’ Lo unbothered by ‘King of Empurau’ moniker after allegedly fake video goes viral

Lo (right) greets a guest during the dinner at Arang Road on Nov 15, 2022.

By Nur Ashikin Louis

KUCHING, Nov 15: Gabungan Parti Sarawak’s (GPS) P196 Stampin candidate Lo Khere Chiang who has been given the moniker ‘King of Empurau’ over a viral video clip remains unbothered with dirty schemes to bring him down ahead of the 15th General Election (GE15).

“I have received a lot of names over the years but it doesn’t bother me at all. I only do the right thing and I’m very sorry for those who take advantage and try to misquote me and try to paint a bad picture of me.


“I’m very sorry for them but I would like to thank our cyber ‘friends’ who try to discredit me but, in the end, I think I have got more friends on cyber (sic) because when something is right, it is right.

“And when somebody tries to paint a wrong picture, they will have to paint another 100 pictures to cover that wrong information and it doesn’t work,” he told the press when met at a unity dinner at Arang Road here earlier tonight.

He was referring to an allegedly edited video clip that has gone viral on WhatsApp, supposedly showing Lo commenting on empurau in a way that implied he looked down on those who cannot afford to eat empurau.

A police report was lodged by Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Batu Kitang Youth secretary Leonard Tan over the allegedly fake video clip on Nov 14. Tan said the video was edited to mislead the voters of Stampin constituency.

Lo further advised cybertroopers to follow the right leader to avoid resorting to dirty schemes.

“Follow the right boss, young people, and you will go far. Follow the wrong boss, you will end up in jail,” he added.

When asked about his confidence in winning P196 Stampin in terms of percentage, he declined to get drawn into the matter.

“I don’t know because I am not Harry Potter (fictional character). I don’t want to tell you something I don’t know. I don’t want to tell a lie, I don’t want to predict something that I don’t know how to predict.

“I can only explain to and convince our people why we must send 31 parliamentarians to Parliament. Not one less.

“Because there’s no point to give away one or two seats to a West Malaysian party which only listens to their bosses in West Malaysia and come back to bully Sarawak. Sarawakians are not stupid. We will not allow that to happen to us,” he emphasised. – DayakDaily
