From cosplaying to collecting: Getaway to anime adventures and nostalgic treasures  

Patong and Posters shopkeeper, Hazim posing for a photo by the counter.

by Marlynda Meraw

KUCHING, April 29: From its origins in Japan’s commercialisation in 1917 to its ever-expanding global community, anime continues to captivate audiences worldwide, with Kuching embracing its cultural allure.

As an avid anime fan, I embarked on a quest to find stores in CityONE Megamall that could sate my ‘otaku’ (person with an interest in the field of anime and manga) cravings, eagerly seeking out fellow enthusiasts and anything that resonates with our shared passion.


After traversing level after level, my weary steps led me to the fabled Patong and Posters, and there, amidst a trove of treasures, my eyes beheld a dazzling assortment of anime merchandise with each item whispering countless promises of discovery.

As I ventured deeper into the store’s depths, I encountered Hazim, the amiable 23-year-old shopkeeper, who greeted me warmly and patiently addressed every inquiry I posed, never faltering in his hospitality.

Presenting the store’s eclectic offerings, Hazim enthusiastically showcased a diverse range of merchandise, spanning from posters, cards, figurines, plushies, and even stickers, catering to the varied needs of any discerning enthusiast.

“We do help our customers to order items from Japan such as Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, or any anime-related merchandises.

“We also offer services to frame posters with three types—wood, plastic, or glass. The glass, of course, being the most expensive,” said Hazim before gesturing towards a poster at the centre of the store and revealed it to be an exclusive ‘Aliens’ movie poster worth thousands of ringgit.

“Most of the people who comes to CityONE are looking for anime-related merchandises,” Hazim revealed, noting that the shop’s regular clientele favoured purchases such as Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon, and One Piece cards while others hunted for Hot Wheels models, posters, and figurines to add to their collections.

The ‘Aliens’ movie poster costing thousands of ringgit hanging on the centre wall.
Various Hot Wheels models displayed on a rack.
Patong and Posters’ store shelves displaying figurines and collectibles for sale.
Front of the Patong and Posters store.

Having completed my exploration of Patong and Posters, I continued on my quest. It wasn’t long before I discovered Top Toy Anime, an inviting store pulsating with the energy of countless anime treasures, beckoning me to delve deeper into its immersive realms.

Aleeya, a jovial and welcoming 19-year-old shopkeeper, greeted me with open arms and was my eager guide as I explored the depths of the store.

With a flourish, Aleeya revealed the store’s diverse array of busts, costumes, props, Funko Pop and Bear Brick collectibles, and an abundance of other delights—a veritable emporium of wonders.

“Customers—young and old—frequent here. Our older customers prefer to buy the busts for display. The props here are cheaper and the swords’ designs are true to the anime,” she explained, as she unsheathed a wooden sword and revealing its intricate pattern.

Top Toy Anime shopkeeper, Aleeya poses for a photo by the store’s counter.
Top Toy Anime’s entrance features two Dragon Ball character busts and other collectibles on the shelves.
Aleeya showing distinguishing designs of sword collectibles that the store sells.
Various costumes for cosplay on display at the back of the store.
Entrance of Top Toy Anime.

When I remarked on the challenge of cosplaying certain characters, particularly those wielding intricate sword props like the one in her hand, Aleeya disclosed that many customers acquired such items solely for their collections.

She noted that the store tends to bustle with activity particularly in the days leading up to anime events, as enthusiasts flock there in search of costumes and props.

With fond farewells exchanged, I left Aleeya behind, newfound treasures inspired by the anime realm in hand. I extend an invitation to my fellow enthusiasts: venture forth into CityOne Mall and explore these treasure troves for yourselves.

Who knows what marvels await your discovery? — DayakDaily
