Five’s a crowd: PH, three Independents vie with incumbent Aaron for Kanowit seat

Aaron (centre) being challenged by four opponents in Kanowit. Photo credit: Pmr Daerah Kanowit Facebook

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Nov 5: The race for the P210 Kanowit seat will be a very crowded affair in this 15th General Election (GE15), with incumbent Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang (GPS-PRS) being challenged by Mohd Fauzi Abdullah@Joseph Nyambong (PH-PKR) and three Independent candidates: Dr Elli Luhat, George Chen, and Michael Lias.

Aaron, who is the caretaker Deputy Health Minister, arrived at the Kanowit District Office along with his proposer Penghulu Ron Ugai and seconder Penghulu Ugap Seribu to hand in his nomination papers.


Mohd Fauzi was accompanied by proposer Rumbuk Jeling and seconder David Simon Tat.

Dr Eli came with his proposer Jali Linggang and seconder Judy Ngan, while Chen came with proposer Dublin Dagang and seconder Suzie Buah, and Michael with proposer Retal Labang and seconder Enggu Jok.

Aaron, 64, has been a four-term member of Parliament (MP) for Kanowit since 2004.

In the 2018 general election, Aaron won the seat in a straight fight with a 4,312 majority. He polled 9,552 votes against PH’s Satu Anchom, who obtained 5,240 votes.

Kanowit, largely a Dayak-majority area, has two State constituencies, Ngemah and Machon, both under GPS. — DayakDaily
