Federal govt to assist with Marudi road costing RM557.4 million

From left: Marudi assemblyman and Assistant Local Government Minister Datu Pengguang Mangil, Masing, Mulu assemblyman Gerawat Gala, State Secretary Tan Sri Mohd Morshidi Abdul Ghani, Abang Johari, Najib, Baram MP Anyi Ngau and state Public Works Department director Datuk Zuraimi Sabki look at a model of the Marudi Bridge.

MARUDI, April 5: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has promised to assist with the building of the Miri/Marudi junction-Marudi Bridge-Mulu road.

The total length of the road is more than 83km, and includes a major bridge and seven smaller bridges. The estimated total cost for the whole stretch is RM557.4 million.

The length of the road from the Miri/Marudi junction to Marudi Bridge is 43km, with a contract sum of RM71 million. Upgrading is in progress and the targeted completion date is March 2019.


For the Marudi Bridge where the road approaches (1.1km) and the bridge structure itself measures 540 metres long, the estimated project cost is RM84 million. The project is estimated to be tendered at the end of November.

An artist’s impression of the Marudi Bridge.

From the Marudi Bridge to Long Terawan of Gunung Mulu National Park, it is a distance of 50 km. Due to its mountainous terrain and rivers, seven more bridges are needed to be built. The road is still at the proposal stage where the estimated cost is RM406.4 million.

Infrastructure Development and Transportation Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing who accompanied Najib with Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg during the PM’s visit to Marudi said the Marudi Bridge will be the first phase of linking Marudi to Gunung Mulu National Park.

He said the next phase is to connect Limbang and Lawas by passing Brunei.

“Once the road bordering Kalimantan is completed, Malaysians will be able to travel from Sematan to Sabah without going through Brunei,” Masing who is also Deputy Chief Minister told DayakDaily today.

When he expressed his hope for the federal government to assist Sarawak to complete this stretch of the road, Najib said that the federal government was keen to help. — DayakDaily
