Engineers association training centre project in site selection phase, construction expected by 2026

Irwan (second left) presenting a memento to Abang Johari during a courtesy visit on Sept 4, 2024. Photo credit: Ukas

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, Sept 4: The Sarawak Bumiputera Consulting Engineers Association (GJPBS) is currently in the process of identifying a suitable location for its planned training centre.

The Association chairman Ir Irwan Zulkarnain Muhammad Hasbie, shared that the training centre aims to provide specialised training for engineers within the Association, alongside establishing a research centre and a testing laboratory.


“Our primary objective is to secure a site for our training centre, where we can offer training programmes for our engineers, host courses, seminars, and more.

“We also plan for the training centre to include a research facility and a testing laboratory,” he said in a news report by Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas).

He made these remarks after paying a courtesy visit to the Premier of Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg at Wisma Bapa Malaysia today.

Irwan further mentioned that construction of the centre is expected to commence in early 2026, following the necessary approvals.

“At this stage, our focus is on securing the site, while the design proposal, approval from relevant authorities, and other procedures may take approximately six months to a year.

“With 2024 upon us, we anticipate obtaining approval by 2025, allowing construction to begin either late 2025 or early 2026,” he added.

Joining him were Association deputy chairman Dato Winsel Ahtos, secretary Ir Ts Noorazan Morshidi and treasurer Ir Ts Zamhuri Drahman. — DayakDaily
