e-Filing submission for Assessment Year 2023 opens on March 1, 2024

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By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, Feb 29: The submission of the Return Forms (BN) for the Year of Remuneration 2023 and Year of Assessment 2023 through e-Filing for Forms E, BE, B, M, BT, MT, P, TF and TP can be done from March 1, 2024.

In a statement today, the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (HASiL) highlighted it has enforced the mandatory submission of BN using services provided online or e-filing through the My Tax Portal service gateway from January 1, 2024.


It said that taxpayers and employers may access this service directly through the MyTax portal https://mytax.hasil.gov.my/ or HASiL’s official portal https://www.hasil.gov.my/ > MyTax > ezHasil Services > e-Filing.

“While the Tax Agent should use Tax Agent e-filing System (TAeF) version 2.0 service through accessing https://taef.hasil.gov.my/ for this purpose.”

HASiL further elaborated that taxpayers can prepare in advance by collecting documents such as income statements, receipts, invoices and other documents related to income tax to file their income tax returns for Assessment Year 2023.

“Registered taxpayers logging in for the first time to MyTax need to activate the First Individual Digital Certificate that could be generated through the MyTax Portal > Select Identification Type > No. Introduction > Submit and select e-KYC (smartphone) or e-CP55D (computer/laptop/smartphone).”

It further advised that for taxpayers who choose the e-KYC menu, the MyTax application could be uploaded on a mobile phone for identity verification based on matching identification documents and selfies via smartphone.

HASiL also stated that through the e-CP55D menu, taxpayers must complete the application for logging in for the first time online by entering an active email address and downloading identification documents.

“An activation link will be sent to the taxpayer’s registered email if the registration is successful.”

HASiL further disclosed if the taxpayer forgets the password, the password reset action can be done by logging into the MyTax Portal > Select Identification Type > No. Introduction > Submit > Forgot Password and select reset medium.

“A link to generate a new password will be sent to the taxpayer’s registered email,” it added.

For taxpayers still experiencing problems with the taxpayer’s password, they could refer to the forgotten password guide provided on the MyTax Portal or contact the Hasil Contact Centre at 03-8911 1000 (Domestic)/ 603-8911 1000 (Overseas) and via the HASiL Live Chat. — DayakDaily
