DAP man: Don’t dally, submit Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) application form on the double

Kong (right) handing over an application to Shahminan (left) during their visit to Wisma Hasil today.

KUCHING, March 29: Special assistant to Democratic Action Party (DAP) Sarawak chairman Chong Chieng Jen, Michael Kong Feng Nian is appealing to members of the public to not wait until the last minute to submit their Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) application form.

Kong said those who apply for STR should also submit their application to the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) earlier to avoid long queues and disappointment.

“Over the last month, DAP Stampin has assisted 181 members of the public to fill up their STR application forms with the promise that we shall assist to deliver them to LHDN on their behalf.


“This is because we understand that many of them do not have the time to come down all the way to Wisma Hasil,” he said in a statement today.

On the same note, Kong said they visited Head of Department for STR applications in Sarawak, Shahminan Ahmad today, to hand deliver all application forms in their possession.

From what is observed, he said, there are many people who are here in person to submit these forms.

He also said they spoke with Shahminan to better understand their operations and difficulties especially during the month of Ramadan.

“We will take note of the feedback and will convey any suggestions which may be assist to smoothen such processes in the future.

“For those who are internet savvy, they may proceed with their application by logging in to bantuantunai.hasil.gov.my to apply or update their particulars online,” he said in a statement today,” he added. – DayakDaily.
