Dr Yii steps up to help pregnant paraplegic accident victim

Dr Yii speaking with the patient when visiting her at SGH.

KUCHING, Aug 7: Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii donated a lightweight detachable wheelchair and a commode chair to a 26-year-old pregnant woman who was left paraplegic after a car crash.

“I received a message from the victim’s parents-in-law on my social media informing me of their plight, her condition and the financial needs especially to purchase the required medical equipment for her treatment and recovery,” he related in a press release today following a visit to the woman warded at the Sarawak General Hospital (SGH).

According to Dr Yii, the patient is facing various complications after being involved in a car accident that has left her unable to move or feel her legs or lower part of her body due to injury to her spine.


“What’s even more shocking was that she was about 32 weeks pregnant with her first child at the time of the accident. Due to the impact, it is not just a risk to her own life but also her unborn child,” he said.

“But we are grateful that the patient has undergone surgery and her baby in the womb is also safe. They are both being monitored by dedicated doctors,” he added.

The woman, who graduated as an electrical engineer, Dr Yii said, was a very cheerful, kind and active woman who was often involved in mountain climbing and other sports before the accident.

She and her husband were looking forward to celebrating their first year wedding anniversary at the end of the month on top of expecting the birth of their first child soon.

“It may be a long journey of recovery ahead, but I am glad she is in good spirits. There are a team of dedicated doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and also family members supporting her through it all,” he said.

Other than the equipment, he also donated some financial contributions to help the victim and her family as she focused on her road to recovery. — DayakDaily
