Dr Annuar distributing pulse oximeters to longhouse folks

Dr Annuar showing a longhouse folk how to use a pulse oximeter.

SIBU, Nov 4:  The health of residents of longhouses and kampungs in Nangka constituency are now better protected with the distribution of pulse oximeters.

Nangka assemblyman Dr Annuar Rapaee who had started distributing the device on Sunday said he would be giving out a total of 3,000 units of the oximeter.

“One of my concerns for Covid-19 patients is that their level of health can deteriorate while undergoing home quarantine. Therefore, 3,000 units of pulse oximeter have been distributed around Nangka DUN so that residents who undergo quarantine at home can monitor their oxygen levels,” he said.


On Sunday evening, he visited 5 longhouses in his area to give the item to these longhouse residents.

While Dr Annuar was giving out the device, he warned that Covid-19 infection can cause severe lung damage.

“An early sign of lung damage is the lack of oxygen content in the body. With the pulse oximeter, it can be used to detect complications earlier,” he said.

For Covid-19 patients who are quarantined at home, he said they need to scan the QR code provided by the Health Ministry to fill in their health status forms.

“This form needs to be filled in two times a day throughout the quarantine period and one of the information that needs to be filled in is their oxygen percentage level,”he said.

On minor rural project (MRP) fund, Dr Annuar said the distribution was delayed this year due to Movement Control Order (MCO) period. — DayakDaily
