Don’t take Covid-19 green zone status for granted, Sibu residents told

Ting (front, right) conducting a routine check on businesses to ensure compliance with SOPs.

SIBU, May 28: Sibu residents are urged to remain vigilant and continue following standard operating procedures (SOPs) even though the town has regained its Covid-19 green zone status.

Previously, Sibu town was classified twice as a yellow zone, recording a total of seven Covid-19 cases.

Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) chairman Clarence Ting noted that with many travellers still arriving here from outstation, the public should maintain good pratices to lower the risk of Covid-19 infection, including social distancing, avoiding places with no SOP, keeping their hands sanitised and clean, following healthy lifestyles, and wearing face masks when out in public.


He noted that the town’s present status was the result of the State Disaster Management Committee’s untiring efforts.

“After slightly over two months we only have three yellow zones left and three positives throughout the state as of today,” he added.

Ting revealed that when businesses here were initially allowed to resume operation on May 12, despite having SOPs in place, many in Sibu town did not followed them in the beginning, causing business activity to stay muted.

“But adjustments were made to follow SOPs. Now I see more people are in those coffee shops that follow the SOP strictly,” he noted, adding that SOPs are not just mandated by the government but should be seen as the new normal.

“I see people obligingly registering, getting temperatures measured with no fuss and reaching out to sanitise their hands.”

He also obserevd that the public are still wary and will only go to places that they perceive as hygienic.

“In 10 weeks, we have unconsciously changed our hygiene awareness, our way of social engagement, and our habits. I believe this will continue for years to come.” — DayakDaily
