Domestic violence: S’wak PKR Women’s chief calls for justice over death of Siburan housewife believed due to domestic violence

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KUCHING, Jan 25: Sarawak Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Women calls for a thorough investigation over the death of a housewife in Siburan who is believed to have died due to domestic violence.

Calling for justice, its chief Victoria Musa said a thorough investigation must be conducted to ensure that the perpetrator is held accountable for his actions.

“It is critical that we send a clear message that domestic violence will not be tolerated, and those responsible will face the full force of the law.


“In addition to legal action, we must focus on prevention and support for survivors,” said Victoria in a statement today, stating that the devastating incident serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address the issue of domestic violence within communities in Sarawak.

She asserted it is crucial to provide education and resources that challenge harmful gender norms, promote healthy relationships, and empower individuals to seek help.

Victoria said community organisations, government agencies, and civil society must work together to create a network of support services, including helplines, counselling, and safe shelters, to assist survivors on their path to healing and recovery.

Domestic violence, she pointed out, is a grave violation of human rights, and it is Sarawakians’ collective responsibility to speak out against it and take action to prevent such tragedies from occurring.

“I strongly condemn this act of domestic violence and call upon the community to join hands in raising awareness and taking a stand against such behaviour,” said Victoria. In

A 43-year-old woman died, believed to be from injuries after she was assaulted by her husband at their rented home in Batu Gong People’s Housing Project (PPR), Siburan.

Padawan district police chief Superintendent Abang Zainal Abidin Abang Ahmad said the victim was beaten by her angry husband after he was kicked out on January 8 for refusing to work and frequently demanding money from the victim, who only sold kuih.

He stated that the victim was also seeking a divorce from the suspect. — DayakDaily
