Debunking the myth of radiation from telecommunication towers

Sacofa Sdn Bhd CEO and managing director Zaid Zaini.

By DD Team

KUCHING, Dec 26: Telecommunication towers in Sarawak are much safer than most people would imagine as the radiation emission from these towers are on average 790 times lower than the standard set by World Health Organization (WHO), said Sacofa managing director cum chief executive officer Zaid Zaini.

He added that the Malaysian Nuclear Agency has conducted nearly 50 tests on Sacofa’s towers and the highest reading was only 0.56 per cent of the maximum limit.


“There is a study that we did that involved household and office items such as printing machines and lamps. And surprisingly the readings from these items such as scanners are actually higher (than the telecommunication towers).

“That’s the myth that we have to deal with at regular basis. As far as Sacofa is concerned, we are very concerned with health.

“In fact, I live in close proximity to a tower and I have children. That should be proof to people that we never compromise with safety and health,” Zaid told DayakDaily in its ‘Spot On’ programme to be aired today.

Zaid further explained that the radiation emitted from the telecommunication towers is different that the radiation produced from X-rays which are in the ionizing category of higher frequencies on the spectrum.

“When it comes to telecommunication signals, this falls under non-ionizing radiation category. This means that it falls under the lower frequency spectrum that’s not so intrusive and that it doesn’t have the energy to alter chemical bonds in the body cells.

“In fact, the results prove that the emission is on average 790 times lower than the standard sets by WHO,” he added. — DayakDaily
