DAP condemns BN sec-gen for stoking anti-Christian sentiments yet again


KUCHING, April 16: State Democratic Action Party (DAP) has slammed Barisan Nasional secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor for the latter’s “unbecoming” statement about “new Christians” in the party.

Abdul Aziz Isa, special assistant to state Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Chong Chieng Jen, said he was “flabbergasted by the venomous remarks made by the caretaker Minister for Federal Territories Adnan Mansor regarding the Evangelist Christians”. Abdul Aziz described the remarks as “an insult and affront to the Christians”.

“As a Muslim who believes in freedom of religion in this country, I denounce Adnan Mansor for making untrue, divisive and offensive statements by calling DAP a chauvinist party and painting Christian evangelists as untrustworthy people bent on destroying Islam.


“Such baseless and sweeping remarks could undermine the sanctity and integrity of the Church and the Christian community in Malaysia. Who is Adnan Mansor for making such remarks about the Christian community in Malaysia? Does he think that he is holier-than-thou?” said Abdul Aziz in a statement today.

He was responding to a news article carried by news portal which reported that Tengku Adnan had yesterday called on Muslim civil servants to watch out for “new Christians” in DAP.

Tengku Adnan said he had no problems with Catholics, but expressed distrust of the “new Christians or evangelists” whom he claimed made up most of the leaders in the “chauvinist” DAP.

Abdul Aziz said this was not the first time Tengku Adnan made such unbecoming remarks regarding the Christians and cited an earlier statement which Tengku Adnan made on Feb 3, 2018, to substantiate his argument.

On Feb 3, Tengku Adnan was reported as saying that Christians should not use the church to spread fake news and lies the put the federal government in a bad light.

“His consistence in putting the blame on the Christians just shows that he has the ill intention and mens rea (guilty mind) to cause religious tensions between the Muslims and Christians in our beloved multiracial, multilingual and multi-religious country.

“As a caretaker minister, Adnan Mansor should do well in promoting interfaith harmony and showing respect for the constitutional rights of all Malaysians to practise their religion in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.

“Taking into account the country’s current political climate, Adnan Mansor should be aware of the dangers that could arise from highlighting any single community for criticism,” said Abdul Aziz.

He thus echoed the sentiments of DAP Selangor women’s chief Hannah Yeoh who demanded Tengku Adnan to unconditionally withdraw his offending remarks and apologise to the Christian community in Malaysia to demonstrate his respect for freedom of religion.

“He should make this apology sincerely and promise not to repeat the same remarks that will hurt the feelings of our fellow Christian community in Malaysia,” said Abdul Aziz who is also DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) Sarawak publicity secretary. — DayakDaily
