DAP candidate urges Mas Gading voters to vote for change for a better future

Seen are Mordi (wearing white shirt and tie) and his supporters marching to the Mas Gading nomination centre on GE14 nomination day, April 28, 2018.

BAU, May 3: In an open letter to Mas Gading voters, Democratic Action Party (DAP) candidate Mordi Bimol called on them to vote for change for the future of Malaysians and future generations.

He reminded them that he has his roots in Bau, and despite being presented with opportunities elsewhere, has decided to stay put in Bau to ‘continue this struggle with all of you’ for the Dayak Bidayuh’s dignity.

“Many people often suggest that I am used by the DAP, which is always labeled as a Chinese party. My answer is easy — I will use DAP before DAP uses me.


“For me, no matter which party, if I fail to bring myself and set my objective right in this struggle, I have still failed. If my intention is simply to hold the status of a Yang Berhormat (YB), I will not survive this journey today. There are so many opportunities out there for me, that can give me personal satisfaction, but I choose to stay here, and continue this struggle with all of you.

“I urge (you), to give yourself a chance to change. Vote for change, for a better tomorrow, for all of us Malaysians and our future generations.”

Mordi’s open letter is reproduced in full below, with light editing for clarity:

Open letter to the voters of Mas Gading

May 3, 2018

To all the voters of Mas Gading,
My name is Mordi Bimol. I am from Kampung Suba Bandar, Bau. In the last 13th General Election, I was given the mandate to contest in the Mas Gading parliamentary seat against three other candidates. It was with your support, that I was able to give a fierce fight. Then I came back for the 11th Sarawak State Election, in Tasik Biru state seat. Although the support and number of votes have clearly shown an increase, in reality, I have yet to gain the mandate to represent the voters in Tasik Biru at the State Legislative Assembly.

In this 14th General Election, it is with my sincere hope, that you will give me the trust to represent you, as much as what Democratic Action Party (DAP) has given to me. I vow to take the responsibility for the people of Mas Gading. I believe in the need to change especially for the betterment of our rural areas and its people.

This decision is not my will, but the need and the sense of responsibility I need to take for Sarawak, Malaysia, especially the people in Mas Gading whom I see as my own.

We often hear these phrases:
“Dayak politics; once we win, we forgot ourself.”
“Dayak politics; once we win, it is easy to buy us out.”
“Dayak politics; once we win, we fill our own rice cooker.”

As a Dayak Bidayuh youth, I will hold and remind myself to be steadfast, firm and remain humble in any decision or outcome. This not not just for my own dignity, but this struggle involves the Dayak Bidayuh’s dignity.

Many people often suggest that I am used by the DAP, which is always labeled as a Chinese party. My answer is easy — I will use DAP before DAP uses me. For me, no matter which party, if I fail to bring myself and set my objective right in this struggle, I have still failed. If my intention is simply to hold the status of a Yang Berhormat (YB), I will not survive this journey today. There are so many opportunities out there for me, that can give me personal satisfaction, but I choose to stay here, and continue this struggle with all of you.

I urge, to give yourself a chance to change. Vote for change, for a better tomorrow, for all of us Malaysians and our future generations.

Support me.

Mordi Bimol
DAP Mas Gading parliamentary candidate

— DayakDaily
