Council of Churches M’sia commited to working together to rebuild nation

Ornate church interior. — file pic. // Photo: Pixabay

KUCHING, May 17: The Council of Churches of Malaysia is committed to working together to rebuild the nation on the principles of justice, peace and harmony among all races and religions.

In congratulating the leaders of Pakatan Harapan for their successful victory at the polls of the 14th general elections, the council’s secretary-general Rev Dr Hermen Shastr said the The Heads of Churches also congratulate Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad who now helms the government as the seventh Prime Minister of Malaysia.

“The results of the elections has shown us the will of the people to urge the government to set forth on a reform agenda to restore confidence in the basic institutions of government and to cultivate a clean, accountable and just culture of governance.


“We join all our fellow Malaysians to give thanks to God for the new moment that has dawned upon the nation. We have called upon our churches to offer special prayers for the nation, its government, its leaders and all the civil servants who bear the responsibility to taking our nation in a new direction of prosperity and happiness for all its citizens,” he said. — DayakDaily
