Cops allows four in one vehicle following Sarawak govt latest decision

Datuk Aidi Ismail

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, May 4: Policemen in Sarawak will allow four passengers in a vehicle following Sarawak government’s decision to adhere to the Federal government’s ruling on the matter.

Sarawak Commissioner of Police Datuk Aidi Ismail said policemen in the state will abide by the latest change of stance of the Sarawak government.


“Since it is already gazetted that there can be four persons in a car, we will follow what has been gazetted by the Federal Government,” Aidi told DayakDaily when contacted through telephone interview at 6:15 pm.

At noon time, Aidi told DayakDaily that the state police would adhere to Sarawak government’s earlier decision of allowing two persons in a vehicle until further notice.

The Sarawak Government through the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) in a press statement issued around 6 pm today said the state’s stance is that since this (the rule to allow four in a vehicle) has been gazetted as the law, Sarawak will comply accordingly.

SDMC chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said, “In other word, we now allow four persons to travel in a vehicle,” he said.

Earlier on, the Sarawak government has decided not to follow the federal government’ s conditional movement control order (CMCO) ruling. — DayakDaily
