CM to launch Sarawakku Sayang 3.0 package tomorrow afternoon

Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg

KUCHING, May 7: Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg will be announcing Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang 3.0 (BKSS 3.0) tomorrow (May 8) afternoon.

According to the Chief Minister Office, the press conference is scheduled to be held at 3.45 pm at the old Sarawak Legislative Assembly Complex.

The Abang Johari’s administration announced the BKSS 1.0 on Mar 23, 2020 to combat the devastating effect of Covid-19 pandemic.


This first economic package which is valued at RM1.15 billion was introduced to help the low and medium income groups in Sarawak, on top of the national stimulus package – the Prihatin Package announced by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Mar 27.

Following the announcement of BKSS 1.0, many small and medium entrepreneurs as well as petty traders also brought up the fact that their livelihood has been as badly affected due to the implementation of movement control order (MCO) where all businesses have been asked to put on hold to effectively combat Covid-19.

Subsequently, BKSS 2.0 valued at RM1.1 billion was annouced on April 10, where special attention was given to these struggling businessmen and traders.

BKSS 3.0 is expected to further address the people’s economic needs due to the prolonged MCO, which has been implemented since March 18. – DayakDaily
