Sarawakians thank frontliners in fight against Covid-19

Evy Eliza Kwan's masterpiece "Thank You for Protecting Us"

By Nancy Nais

KUCHING, May 7: At the forefront of the deadly Covid-19 outbreak stands the medical workers, health professionals, enforcement personnel, among countless others in the frontline of Malaysia’s battle against the virus.

These are the group of people who are most susceptible to the virus, yet choose to continue treating the sick, enforce rules and regulations to curb the spread of the virus, in their effort to protect the nation.


Today, fellow Sarawakians expressed their gratitude by thanking all the frontliners working tirelessly to contain the disease and keep everyone in the country safe from Covid-19 through a short video clip.

They’ve also vowed to continue to support the frontliners until the health crisis ends.

Dedicating her love for all the real life heroes and heroines, as well as journalists who’ve been on the ground to provide news and information on Covid-19, 13-year-old Evy Eliza Kwan spent three hours sketching out a thank you note featuring the frontliners as chibi cartoon characters.

Speaking to DayakDaily, Evy’s mother, Catherine Foh said, “Frontliners’ sacrifices during this period are invaluable, and the services they are tirelessly rendering for the nation will forever be remembered, particularly during times of crisis like now.”

No matter how tired, no matter how dangerous, the frontliners have set aside self-interest for the nation.

They fall for us to rise and the nation are indebted to you.

Thank you frontliners and God bless. —DayakDaily

Evy Eliza Kwan spent three hours to sketch a drawing to thank the frontliners who’ve been working tirelessly to contain the disease and keep everyone in the country safe from Covid-19.